She would go to college find a hunky husband and marry him after a few years of blissful dating.
Then, after she had pursued the American Dream, accepting accolades from graduate school and excelling in a fast-paced work environment for just long enough to make a comfortable living, this girl would decide that it was time to have some children.
Pregnancy would be delightful, and before she knew it she and her husband would have three or four children!
Life would be perfect.
That's not exactly how it went for this chickadee.
I am guessing that you know that this girl is me, and that I have been humbled.
Here's the real master plan, the one that I could have never foreseen:
Once upon a time, there was a girl who loved Jesus very much. Even though she had lofty plans for her own life, she knew she needed to surrender to Jesus and let him control her circumstances.
Soon after she had rededicated her life to Christ, she was introduced to her future husband. After discovering how truly wonderful it is to be following God's plan, they decided to wed on June 12, 2011.
But God decided to test their faithfulness. Had this girl truly surrendered control of her circumstances?
On July 1, 2011, they boarded a plane headed for Costa Rica. Despite many fun adventures with her family, something nagged at the newlyweds for the entire vacation, and upon their return to the United States on July 9, 2011, their suspicions were confirmed- she was expecting a baby!
At only 21 years old and having been married slightly under a month, she was terrified. Slowly but surely, God molded to heart into a condition of humility and acceptance.
Now we're due in 11 short weeks, and we couldn't be more thrilled. Not only did God show me that he had ultimate control, that he was the ultimate playmaker, that he knew exactly what he was doing, he also showed me how incredible it is to surrender life to his plan and stop formulating my own worry-stricken path.
Life is not perfect. It's messy and hard at times-- but we can all rest assured that He is in control.